Sunday, September 15, 2013


Kelly Rodriguez

Jodie Allex

Carrie Allen

Lesson Overview

Comparing Complete and Incomplete Life Cycles
Carrie Allen, Jodie Allex, Kelly Rodriguez
Life Cycles of Insects
Grade Level(s):
1 week
Subject Area:
Unit Description:
The students will learn about complete and incomplete life cycles of insects. They will also compare the different life cycles. Students will engage in several different activities to support their learning and they will have multiple opportunities throughout the unit to share their knowledge.
Lesson Description:
Lesson 3 of 3
The students will compare and contrast the complete and incomplete life cycles of insects. They will have multiple opportunities to share this knowledge.
State Standards:
112.13. Science, Grade 2, Beginning with School Year 2010-2011.
(b)knowledge and skills. (10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments. The student is expected to: (c) investigate and record some of the unique stages that insects undergo during their life cycle.


Unit Goals:
1. Students will identify and describe a complete life cycle. (butterfly)
2. Students will identify and describe an incomplete life cycle. (ladybug)
3. Students will demonstrate their understanding
that at the beginning of an animal's life cycle,
some young animals represent the adult while
others do not.
4. Students will identify, compare and contrast
the differences between a complete and
incomplete life cycle.
5. The student will use the correct vocabulary
to show that organisms undergo similar
Lesson Goals:
  • Students will demonstrate their understanding that at the beginning of an animal's life cycle, some young animals represent the adult while others do not.
  • Students will identify, compare and contrast the differences between a complete and incomplete life cycle.
  • The student will use the correct vocabulary to show that organisms undergo similar processes.


Anticipatory Set:
Share lesson goals and objectives:
  • Brainstorm in science journal what you know about insect life cycles (Recognition)
  • Fill in a KWL chart (Recognition)
  • Use Socrative App to gauge pre-knowledge of topic (Recognition)
Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
Present students with new information appropriate to the lesson:
Provide Guided Practice:
Divide the class into 3 groups and have them rotate through each center:
Bring students back together to view interactive whiteboard lesson Insects (Smart Notebook Lesson by K. Edlinski) (Strategic)
Provide Independent Practice:
Strategic and Affective
  • Create a Venn Diagram comparing complete and incomplete life cycles (Kidspiration)
  • Draw a complete and an incomplete insect life cycle
  • Create an eBook comparing complete and incomplete life cycles
  • Create an Animoto video acting out both life cycles
  • Create a rap about insect life cycles


Formative/Ongoing Assessment:
  • Sequence life cycle cards are accurate
  • Socrative App Quiz
  • Vocabulary is used correctly in the Rap, Animoto, and eBook
  • Rubric for Independent practice projects
  • Graphic organizers are correct
Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment:
  • Rubric for Independent Projects
  • End of Unit Exam


GT - During guided practice the GT students will visit to learn about types of life cycles.
Hearing Impaired - Harcourt video has closed captioning
Blind - Harcourt video has picture descriptions, eBooks read the text, YouTube videos, peer coaching
Online Users - eBooks, YouTube videos, Harcourt video, Interactive Whiteboard Lesson, Socrative App
Multiple Achievement Levels - rubrics will be adjusted for multiple achievement levels
Images for New Knowledge

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