In the past few years I have struggled with students not
turning in their assignments and parents not taking responsibility for their student’s
irresponsibility. That has led me to do an action research project on strengthening
teacher/parent/student communication to promote academic success. Last year I questioned many teachers about their
strategies concerning this problem. Chad
Bender, who is our technology specialist on campus, talked about a classroom
website, Facebook and Edmodo. He felt as
though he had a very successful year due to the added communication.
I have already had several people suggest that I use
Reminder101 as my technology resource so I am looking into that as a possible
communication tool. I really like the
ease of Reminder 101 but have not made up my mind yet.
Action Planning Template
Goal: To increase communication with parents and
students through the use of technology.
This technology will give them access to classwork and grades in order
to help students stay more organized and turn things in on time.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Make a survey to give
parents at the beginning of the year.
Kelly Rodriguez
August 2013
Internet resources,
articles, peer teacher ideas
The survey
Give parents and
students a survey on access to technology and what kind of communication they
would like from their teacher.
Kelly Rodriguez
August 2013 - September 2013
Results from
Parent/Student survey
Set up Edmodo account
with information requested by parents and students.
Kelly Rodriguez
September 2013 –
December 2013
Computer and Edmodo
Keep track of parents
and students that are using Edmodo. Are students turning assignment in on
2nd survey for parents and
students to find out what is working and what is not
Kelly Rodriguez
January 2014
Results from
parent/student survey
Using the information
from the second survey, I will add or delete items to the classroom Edmodo
Kelly Rodriguez
January 2014 – May 2014
Edmodo and computer
I will monitor the
Edmodo account to see if the site is used more often. Are students turning assignment in on
Compile Data and see
if communication with parents and students helped in assignments being turned
Kelly Rodriguez
May 2014 – June 2014
All data since
September 2014
Compare data from the
beginning of the year. Was there a
significant change in assignments being turned in on time with communication
through technology?
Share results with
others including site supervisor
Kelly Rodriguez
June 2014
Results of action
research plan with graphs and/or documents to back up the results
product to share results