Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Action Research Idea

The last couple of years I have struggled with students not turning in their assignments.  Many of the parents were supportive of my efforts but there were others that were upset that they hadn’t been contacted often enough and would blame me for the problem.  I had a classroom log that students wrote down their daily assignments, negative behavior was documented, and parents were to sign daily.  On the last discussion board I explained that parents signed the assignment sheet on the way out the door in the mornings or when their students were asleep.  The intent of the assignment sheet was to inform the parents of their student’s progress but this goal was not being met.  The purpose of my action research would be to answer the question:  How can I increase communication with parents and students through the use of technology to give access to homework, grades and school notices in order to put students on the right path to success?

There will be several people that will benefit from this action research project.   My goal is to find ways to help the teacher, the student, the parents, and the administration.  Teachers are continually looking for innovative ways to keep students successful.  An online program, like Edmodo, would allow the teacher to post classwork, homework assignments, and due dates.  Not only would students benefit from having this at the touch of their fingers because they would always be able to access their assignments, but parents would be able to access it at their convenience keeping them informed daily.  The administration would benefit because the teacher would build a higher level of trust with the parents giving them confidence in the teacher’s ideas and concerns. 


  1. Kelly it is always a challenge to have students complete homework and yet we know it impacts their learning. I am going to check on the websites you mentioned as I had not heard of that. I've always wanted to do a website or blog to post students homework school happenings for the parent but have never made the time. Another challenge for me is that we are a title one school and most of the students do not have internet at home or very limited access, such as when they visit an aunt or uncle. But I definitely want to know what works.

  2. I had a facebook last year but did not follow through with getting parents to join my page. I think many family don't have a computer to access these accounts but most have a smart phone these days.
