Wednesday, December 18, 2013

EDLD 5363 Conferences

Reflection on Conferences

I attended every conference that was offered during this class.  I usually began the conference with questions and when the conference ended I still had those questions as well as a few more.  There were times when students would ask a question and the response was to “Google it”!  Often the professor would ask the group to answer the question that was directed to her.  Before every conference I would read through my paperwork so I could have my questions ready and be knowledgeable about the assignment for the week.  My professor frequently responded to our questions with a statement about needing to read our assignment or overview before the class.  We are all professionals working toward a higher level of education.  That comment was very condescending and unnecessary. We all work very hard at our classwork and deserve respect.  A classroom, whether in person or online, is a place to ask questions and discuss coursework.  No question is a dumb question.

The most frustrating aspect of our conferences was that many times we could not see or hear the professor or each other.  There were many of us who attended every conference that was offered. It is not easy to set aside time from our busy schedule but we managed to fit it in every couple of days.  There were conferences that were late, cut short and the last one never transpired because the professor never showed up. 

I believe that a web conference is necessary to have an online program be successful.  Time management, organization, attendance, and knowledge of how to run a successful online conference, is something that needs to be addressed. 

EDLD 5363 Week 4/5 Reflection

EDLD 5363 Reflection on Week 4/5

Everything about technology excites me.  I have learned about so many different activities that I can do with my class to help them become successful in their subjects  The wealth of information that is out on the internet is just waiting for us to find and utilize.  The amount of free resources on the internet is also available to us in many different programs. 

During this class I was assigned individual assignments as well as a group project.  I am still amazed that I can work collaboratively with my peer students who live hundreds of miles from me.  My group consisted of Carrie Allen, Jodie Allex, Carla Carattini and myself.   I don’t consider myself a group person because I usually don’t trust my other group members to do their part of the assignment.  With that thought in mind I must admit that my group was amazing.  We each seemed to find our niche and run with it.  When there was a piece missing someone quickly picked it up and completed it.   We worked very well together.   If we have another group assignment I would like to pair up with these ladies again. 

Google Docs made our collaboration very manageable.  We each picked a color to reflect our comments so it would be easy for anyone looking at our document to figure out who was saying what.  The weather was bad all week so it was difficult to video but the first chance we had we took our students outside and began our videoing. 

My experiences with my assignment through week 4/5 have been very positive.  Learning to use a new video editing program and work with Audacity again has made me more comfortable with these programs.  I look forward to taking my knowledge back to the classroom and utilizing these resources with my students.

The EDLD 5363 class was quite troubling to me.  From day one we were told that the assignments on Black Board were not correct and that we should not be reading or following them.  My concern every time I went to turn in my assignment was that I might have followed the incorrect rubric.  I am very conscientious about my schoolwork so to have assignments that were not clear was very unsettling.  In my opinion, graduate school should be more organized than this.  My hope is that Lamar gets their act together and has our next class organized and ready to go.  

Reflection on Internship and Action Research Plan

Internship Plan

My internship plan often takes a back burner to the rest of my work.  Not to say that I am not working through the domains but summarizing my findings and uploading my documents to my e-portfolio is not up to date.  At the beginning of this school year we had a change in administration.  This change gave me the opportunity to step up and complete many aspects of my internship plan.  The leadership roles that I have taken on or sat in on consist of school board meetings, hiring board, class schedules, coordinator of Family Math Night, and creating formative assessments to name a few.  Many of my projects had to be altered because of the change in our administration.  This change has given me many more leadership opportunities.  I plan to catch up during the two week break that we have in between classes.

Action Research Plan

My action research is in full swing.  I began my project by giving a survey to the parents of my students about parent-teacher contact.  Their responses were all very positive which gave me great hope that they would be willing to participate in my classroom technology.  I thought I would begin slowly so I made a “Mrs. Rodriguez’s Classroom Facebook” page.  I had done research about the different options Facebook had to offer and I decided to go with a group page that allowed the teacher (me) to add all interested followers.  Many of my parents had expressed concern about privacy and this allowed me to be selective on who would join our group.  My excitement quickly diminished when only 2 people followed my link to my page.  Adding an incentive to anyone who would find the secret code on my page acquired a few more parents to join but the participation was just not there.  The first of December I plan to send out another survey.  I plan on introducing Remind 101 to my students and parents after the survey has been returned.  I will continue my Facebook but add in the reminders hoping that extra contact with the parents will bring scores up.  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Introduction to Force and Motion

General Information
Carrie Allen, Kelly Rodriguez, Jodie Allex, Carla Carattini
Project title
Force and Motion
To introduce a force and motion unit to a 5th grade class. 
5th Grade
Program length
90 sec
regular school clothes
Using school playground & gym
gym, playground, sports balls
Using school playground & gym
Kelly Rodriguez
Jodie Allex
Alex Rodriguez, Janelle Ysasi, Aaliyah Attebery, Alexia Jaramillo, Drake Everett
Camera operator(s)
Carrie Allen
Carrie Allen, Jodie Allex, Carla Carattini, Kelly Rodriguez
Schedule of Deliverables
Project phases
Due date
Script Outline
 Narration Script
Shot List
Copyright Information

Script Outline

Narrator will introduce topic and walk audience through all skills covered during the Force and motion science unit. Narrator will explain how you can apply all skills learned during our unit to your daily activities like basketball. Our star Alex will show how to become a better athlete by understanding Force and Motion while narrator explains how he is applying what has been learn to his basketball skills.


Narration Script

Have you ever wondered how or why objects move in certain ways? Or why do some objects move further or faster than others? Have you wondered how a ball could stop rolling even though it is round? Did you know that there is more than one type of force? Not only will you be able to amaze your friends with your knowledge of force and motion, but after this week you will also be able to apply that knowledge to your athletic skills and become the star player on your team!
Why didn’t the basketball make it to the basket? Alex needs to use more force.
(shot of soccer ball)
Why does the soccer ball go further when Aaliyah kicks it than when Janelle kicks it?
Alexia used her knowledge of force and motion to become the 5th grade tetherball champion!
  Stay tuned in here to learn everything you need to know about  force and  motion.

Shot List

Carrie Allen, Jodie Allex, Carla Carattini, Kelly Rodriguez
Project Title
Force and Motion
Shot Number
Treasure Hills gym
Alex Rodriguez
Special Equipment
Shot Number
Treasure Hills gym
Alex Rodriguez
Special Equipment
basketball, students, basketball goal
Shot Number
Treasure Hills Playground
Aaliyah Attebery, Janelle Ysasi
soccer ball
Special Equipment
students listed above, soccer ball
Shot Number
Treasure Hills Playground
Alexia Jaramillo, Drake Everett
Special Equipment
tetherball, Alexia, Drake
Shot Number
Baseball Field
Alex Rodriguez
Bat, baseball
Special Equipment
bat, baseball
Shot Number
Special Equipment
Shot Number
Special Equipment
Shot Number
Special Equipment

 Copyright Information

Force & Motion by Jodie Allex, Kelly Rodriguez, Carrie Allen & Carla Carattini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Documentation of Team Collaboration