Wednesday, December 18, 2013

EDLD 5363 Conferences

Reflection on Conferences

I attended every conference that was offered during this class.  I usually began the conference with questions and when the conference ended I still had those questions as well as a few more.  There were times when students would ask a question and the response was to “Google it”!  Often the professor would ask the group to answer the question that was directed to her.  Before every conference I would read through my paperwork so I could have my questions ready and be knowledgeable about the assignment for the week.  My professor frequently responded to our questions with a statement about needing to read our assignment or overview before the class.  We are all professionals working toward a higher level of education.  That comment was very condescending and unnecessary. We all work very hard at our classwork and deserve respect.  A classroom, whether in person or online, is a place to ask questions and discuss coursework.  No question is a dumb question.

The most frustrating aspect of our conferences was that many times we could not see or hear the professor or each other.  There were many of us who attended every conference that was offered. It is not easy to set aside time from our busy schedule but we managed to fit it in every couple of days.  There were conferences that were late, cut short and the last one never transpired because the professor never showed up. 

I believe that a web conference is necessary to have an online program be successful.  Time management, organization, attendance, and knowledge of how to run a successful online conference, is something that needs to be addressed. 

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